This page is still under construction: links to the conference websites and the slides will be made available soon.
– Foundational problems in black holes and gravitational radiation, MCMP, Germany
61 Invited plenary talk TBA
– SIGRAV Conference on Black Holes, Cagliary, Italy (TBC)
– Quantum Gravity meets Lattice QFT, Trento, Italy (TBC)
– First Irvine-Munich-PoliMi-Salzburg Conference in Philosophy and Foundations of Physics (IMPS 2018), Salzburg, Austria
60 Invited talk TBA
– NORDITA program “Cosmology and Gravitational Physics with Lambda”, Stockholm, Sweden
59 talk TBA
– “100 Years of Gauge Theory", Bad Honnef, Germany
58 Invited talk “Gauge is the eyes of the beholder”
– 2nd World Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe, Guadalupe
57 Invited talk “Quantum Insights on Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter”
– Summer Institute on Philosophy of Cosmology, London, Ontario, Canada
56 Invited talk TBA
– New Directions in the Foundations of Physics’ conference, Viterbo, Italy (invited)
– Cosmology Workshop in San Servolo, Venice, Italy
55 Invited talk “Quantum Insights on Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter”
The 2nd workshop on "Singularities of general relativity and their quantum fate”
54 Invited talk “Planck Stars: the final fate of quantum non-singular black holes and its phenomenological consequences”
– Time & the Observer Workshop, La Jolla, California
– Seminar (invited) “Planck Stars: theory and phenomenology”at DAMTP, Cambridge, UK
– Colloquium (invited) “Planck Stars: explosions from a quantum hole” at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, NL
– Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Cape Town, South Africa
– Current Themes in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, Copenhagen, Denmark
– Conference of the Italian Physics Society (SIF), Trento, Italy
53 Talk “Quantum gravity phenomenology with primordial black holes”
– XIX International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics (SILFS), Urbino, Italy
52 Series of four lectures (invited) on the “Principles of Quantum Gravity”
– LOOPS 17, Warsaw, Poland
51 Invited plenary talk “How to measure a realistically observable quantity in LQG: primordial black holes”
– Workshop Conceptual Issues in Fundamental Physics, Grenoble, France
50 Invited plenary talk “No Time No Problem”
– Conference on the Philosophy of Cosmology, London, Western-Ontario University, Canada
49 Invited plenary talk “Quanta of spacetime in a non-singular universe”
– String Theory & Cosmology (GRS), Tuscany, Italy
48 Talk ”Exploding Black Holes” (Junior Highlight)
– String Theory & Cosmology (GRS), Tuscany, Italy
47 Talk ”Quantum-gravity signals from primordial black holes” (Junior Highlight)
– New Directions in the Foundations of Physics’ conference, Tarquinia, Italy
– Seminar (invited) ”Possible quantum-gravity signals from primordial black holes” (Napoli, Italy)
– Pine Symposium 2017, Minnesota, US (invited)
– Workshop “Black Holes, Gravitational Waves and Spacetime Singularities, Vatican
46 Invited plenary talk “Quantum gravity phenomenology with primordial black holes”
– Fundamental Physics with SKA, Mauritius
45 Invited talk “Quantum gravity phenomenology with primordial black holes”
– Do Black Holes Exist? – The Physics and Philosophy of Black Holes, Bad Honnef, Germany
– Workshop "Quantum Gravity in Paris 2017", IHP, Paris, France
– Workshop “Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking in Fundamental Physics, University Paris-6
44 Invited talk “Gauge is in the eye of the beholder”
– “Experimental Search of Quantum Gravity” Conference, Frankfurt, Germany
43 Invited talk ”Quantum-gravity signals from primordial black holes”
– SIGARV Congress 2016, Cefalù, Italy
42 Invited talk “Quantum black holes: theory and phenomenology”
– 5th international FQXi conference on “The Physics of the Observer”, Banff, Canada
41 Invited talk ”Happened=Observed. A relational Argument”
– 21st International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR21), New York, US
40 talk ”Quantum-gravity signals from primordial black holes”
– Conference “Time in Cosmology”, Perimeter Institute, Canada
– II FLAG (FieLds And Gravity) meeting on Quantum Gravity, Trento, Italy
39 Invited talk “Quantum black holes: theory and phenomenology”
– 4th International Conference on the Nature and Ontology of Spacetime, Varna, Bulgaria
38 Invited keynote talk"Atomism and Relationalism as guiding principles for Quantum Gravity"
– Seminar ”Possible quantum-gravity signals from primordial black holes” (Physics Dep.,Geneva)
– Seminar (invited) “A relational ontology from General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics” (Geneva)
– CarloFest (organizer), Conference for the 60th birthday of Carlo Rovelli, Marseille
37 talk “Quantum-gravity phenomenology with primordial black holes”
– Seminar (invited) ”Possible quantum-gravity signals from primordial black holes” (IAP, Paris)
– Conference “A century of General Relativity”, Berlin, December;
– Seminar (invited) ”Possible quantum-gravity signals from primordial black holes” (LUTH, Paris)
– Seminar (invited) ”Possible quantum-gravity signals from primordial black holes” (SISSA, Trieste)
– “From Inflation to Galaxies: a workshop in honour of Sabino Matarrese”, Castiglioncello, Italy
– Hawking Radiation Conference, Stockholm, Sweden
36 Invited plenary talk”A new quantum black-hole phenomenology”
– Karl Schwarzschild Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany
35 Invited plenary talk “Quantum-gravity phenomenology with primordial black holes”
– Quantum Gravity Meeting, Rome, Italy
34 Invited plenary talk “New signals from quantum gravity with primordial black holes”
– LOOPS15, Erlagen, Germany
33 Talk “Compactification of LQG Phase Space”
– Conference 100 Years of General Relativity, Penn State, US
32 Talk “Quantum-gravity phenomenology with primordial black holes”
– Seminar “What if the universe accelerates because time is discrete?” (Perimeter Institute, Canada)
– Seminar “Planck stars: from cosmology to black holes and back” (Physics Dep.,Oxford, UK)
– Philosophy of Physics Research Seminars HT 2015, Oxford, UK
– Seminar (invited) “A relational ontology from General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics”
– "Quantum Gravity Foundations: UV to IR” program, KITP, Santa Barbara, US
– EFI Winter Conference on Canonical and Covariant LQG, Tux, Austria
31 talk “The compact phase space of Loop Quantum Gravity”
– Seminar “Planck Stars” GRAPPA Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
– Physics@FOM Veldhoven 2015, Utrecht, the Netherlands
30 talk “Planck Stars”
– seminar (invited) “Planck Stars” Physics Department, Trento, Italy (04/12/14)
– XI International Ontology Congress, Barcelona, Spain
29 Invited talk “A relational ontology from General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics”
– XXI SIGRAV Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics, Alessandria, Italy
28 Invited talk ”What can we learn from Loop Quantum Cosmology? The case of Planck Stars”
– International Conference “The Philosophy of Cosmology”, Tenerife, Spain
– Conceptual and Technical Challenges for Quantum Gravity, Rome
27 talk “Spinfoam Cosmology and Maximal Acceleration”
– Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity, SISSA, Italy
26 talk “Experimental Search for Planck Stars”
– WE-Heraeus-Seminar Quantum Cosmology, Bad Honnef, Germany
25 Invited talk “What can we learn from Loop Quantum Cosmology? The case of Planck Stars”
– Conference “Frontiers in Fundamental Physics”, Marseille, France
24 talk "Atomism and Relationalism as guiding principles for Quantum Gravity"
– XI SIGRAV graduate school “Gravity and the Quantum”, Como, Italy
23 talk 'Spinfoam Cosmology’
– Workshop Cosmology and the Constants of Nature, DAMPT, Cambridge, UK
– 4th FQXi's Conference “The Physics of Information”, Vieques, Puerto Rico
- CFP: Seminar on the Philosophical Foundations of Quantum Gravity, Illinois University of Chicago, US, September
25 talk "Atomism and Relationalism as guiding principle for Quantum Gravity"
- Conference LOOPS'13, Perimeter Institute, Canada, July
24 talk "A covariant prospective on singularity resolution
- 20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR20), Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw, Poland. 7-13 July
- Mini-workshop "Philosophie et Physique", Laboratoire Sphere*, Paris, France. 28 June
23 talk "Spinfoam and Cosmology", APC, Paris, France. 27 June
- Third Oxford Miniseries: "Cosmology and Quantum Foundations", Oxford, UK, June
- Workshop and Discussion Group: "Inflationary Evidence", Oxford, UK, June
- Workshop "Spacetime and the Wavefunction", Barcelona, Spain, April
- Workshop "Infinities and Cosmology", DAMPT, Cambridge, UK, March
22 talk: "Infinities as a measure of our ignorance"
– EFI Winter Conference on "Canonical and Covariant LQG", Tux, Austria, February
21 talk: "A new twist on spin connection"
– "The Search for Quantum Gravity: CDT and Friends", Nijmegen, the Netherlands, December
– Perspectives of Fundamental Cosmology, Nordita Program, Stockholm, Sweden, November
20 talk: "Spinfoam and Cosmology"
– X International Ontology Congress "Physis. From elementary particle to human nature" San Sebastian, Spain, October
– 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, July
14 talk: "Spinfoam Cosmology"
13 talk: "Spinfoam for cosmologists"
– Workshop "Quantum Gravity in Paris", APC-Paris, France, March
– Workshop "Landscapes for Quantum Gravity", Pavia, Italy, February
– VII International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Goa, India, December
12 talk: "An Invitation to Spinfoam Cosmology"
– VI Aegean Summer School of Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology, Greece, September
11 talk: "An Invitation to Spinfoam Cosmology"
– Women in Physics , Perimeter Institute, Canada, July
13 talk: "What's the entropy of the gravitational field?"
– "Challenges for Early Universe Cosmology , Perimeter Institute, Canada, July
12 PI Quantum Gravity group meeting on "Spinfoam Cosmology"
– LOOPS11 "Celebrating 25 years of Loop Quantum Gravity", Madrid, Spain, May
11 talk: "Result and open issues in Spinfoam Cosmology"
10 talk: "Singularity Resolution in Loop Quantum Cosmology"
– Workshop Mathematical, Physical and Conceptual aspects of Quantum Gravity, APC Paris, March
– Workshop "Quantum Gravity and Quantum Field Theory", Nice, France, March
9 talk: "Spinfoam Cosmology"
– 3rd Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity School, Zakopane, Poland, March
–8 International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminars, given talk: "Spinfoam Cosmology"
audio available at
– International Fall Workshop on GEOMETRY and PHYSICS, Paris, France, October
– Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE2010), Granada, Spain, September
7 talk: "Toward Spinfoam Cosmology"
– 19th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR19), Mexico City, Mexico, July
6 talk: "Spinfoam Cosmology: quantum cosmology from the full theory"
– PASI Quantum Gravity summer school, Morelia, Mexico, June
– ESF science meeting: Open problems in Loop Quantum Gravity, Zakopane, Poland, March
– 2nd School and Workshop on Quantum Gravity and Quantum Geometry, Corfù, Grece, September.
– LOOPS09 International Conference on Quantum Gravity, Beijing Normal University, China, August
5 talk: "Quantum-Gravity Thermodynamics"
– The BNU International Summer School on Quantum Gravity, Beijing Normal University, China, July
– Quantum Gravity in Cracow^2, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Physics, Cracow, Poland
4 talk: "Mini-superspace Loop Quantum Gravity"
– Second TRR33 Winter School "Theory for observers & Observations for theorists",
3 Passo del Tonale, Italy, December talk: "Loop Quantum Cosmology"
– Emergent Gravity 08 Workshop, MIT Boston, US, August
– Young Loops and Foams 08 Workshop, Perimeter Institute, Canada, August
– QG2 2008 Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity Conference, Nottingham, UK, July:
2 talk: "Stepping out of homogeneity in Loop Quantum Cosmology"
– Quantum Gravity Colloquium 4, Albert Einstein Institute, Berlin, Germany, May:
1 talk: "Dipole Cosmology"
– Workshop CosmoTools, Marseille, France, April
– ESF science meeting Quantum Gravity: Loops and Foams, Zakopane, Poland, March
– Italian Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS) Conference, Milano, Italy, October
– "From Quantum to Emergent Gravity: Theory and Phenomenology", SISSA Trieste, Italy, June
– 1st Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity School, Zakopane, Poland, March
– International Conference "Spacetime in Action", Pavia, Italy, March
– IV Summer School of Philosophy of Physics (SILFS), Cesena, Italy, September.